Thursday, October 10, 2013

Proof beyond reasonable doubt

I have proceeded to follow Oliver's blog in order to begin this blog again, and a perusal reveals that he crossed the line into a psychotic state in March 2012. He made a public call for violence against Phil Gluyas giving an address to find him. I don't know how long it was online for as it is not there now, and whether or not anyone has attempted to act on this. There was a follow up claiming that it was an extreme joke, but such a call for violence could not possibly be any form of joke. It was detailed and even included a small bounty.

This is the act of an idiot. If ever we needed evidence of Oliver Canby being an idiot, this was it.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Oliver the Idiot continues to hide

We note the latest entry on his new blog by the Truthmeister. He has identified attempts at employment by Oliver and a confirmed fact via inquiries that he does not hold any of those jobs any more. A Spanish radio station, a Spanish newspaper (the Truthmeister erroneously noted them as Mexican in spit of the fact that they are aimed at Mexicans), a legal magazine and a wireless commincations provider. The education notes also confirm that we were lied to by Joeker some time ago about CalState. In fact, Oliver attended Santa Monica College, a community college. This would be consistent with a general claim that Oliver does not posess a graduation diploma from a high school, the one thing that Joeker correctly identified. The number of comments have dried up. It would seem that Oliver is hiding whatever comments had to have been made and the chasing of objectors to his lies off his blog appears to be working. I again ask Oliver to join us. He needs to admit that he is an idiot.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


We have been observing Oliver Canby without comment on and off since the last entry here. This is because of the work of Wacka Dawson and our decision to see if his prediction that Oliver was on his way to a psychotic state would bear out.

A psycho is a dangerous form of idiot. But we don't discriminate. Psychotic behavour is derived from hate so by joining us, the hate can be dissolved. Be proud to be an idiot. It works!

Is Oliver psychotic now? It's hard to tell. He has continued to be an idiot, not recognizing most recently a satire of him by someone called Andrew Ackner. If one can't laugh at themselves they can't laugh at all, and that's a hallmark of an idiot. All he can do is insult the effort with the hate.

Most of the hate is being aimed at Autism, but a lot of it has been aimed at Phil Gluyas. This goes back a long way, but it's continuation beyond the apparent disappearance of Phil's website is another act of an idiot. Hanging onto something like that is wasteful.

We also note the claim that Oliver has lost his virginity. No. Sorry, but we don't believe it. We have already proven that Oliver is gay.

There has been no indication as to Oliver's current life standing. People who have been in touch are encouraged to assist with an update if they have one.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

More Evidence

I've just picked this up;

It's an excellent analysis proving beyond a doubt that Oliver M Canby is an idiot. It hasn't been added to for awhile and there's no way to comment there to ask about the latest, so I'll ask here. Does anyone know what's going on with that blog?

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Precedent of Homosexuality

Oliver Canby is without a doubt a homosexual person.

It was established in the matter of Jeremy v State of Texas in 1967 (unreported) that the intentional spelling error of "straight" against "strait" amongst a number of other individual intentional errors was an indication of intentional subversion. The defendant in the matter and his partner were doing the same thing in their letters to church groups protecting their real gender preference. At the time homosexuality was a criminal offense in Texas. The defendant tried to deny it but psychiatric evidence proved that the subversion was intentional and real. The precedent was set that anyone who intentionally spells "straight" incorrectly in the manner depicted was gay before the law.

The case was removed from public record in 1973 when the DSM-II was altered from it's 1968 publication removing homosexuality as a mental disorder. It has not however been countered in an alternative precedent.

Oliver Canby is gay under this precedent.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Evidence

As a direct result of being challenged to join us, and persistently refusing to admit that he is wrong about so much and is out of control like Charlie Sheen and George W Bush were, Oliver M Canby of Los Angeles, California, USA, has deprived the greater population of America and the world of their right to speak directly to him on his blog. It is therefore considered essential to provide this blog so that Mr Canby can be challenged decisively and thoroughly on his behavioral status, and with proof that he is what I said he is on his blog. He is an idiot.

Let me first of all refute the claim that the definition of an "idiot" is a person with an IQ of below 25. This is not correct. On March 12, Oliver M Canby stated that;
I am referring to the original DSM published in 1952. If you are mildly mentally retarded, you are a moron. If you are moderately or severely mentally retarded, you are an imbecile. If you are profoundly mentally retarded, you are an idiot.
The DSM-I defined "idiocy" as below the IQ of 20, not 25. Further, this definition is no longer valid which was my primary point. Idiocy is no longer defined purely by IQ. The same is true of imbecility and moronics. The three terms now have the same general definition, based in behavior and not intelligence. Adolf Hitler for example was extremely intelligent. And yet he was an idiot.

There have been many claims made by Oliver M Canby that other Blogger users have questioned. The user calling himself "Truthmeister" has listed a large number of lies Oliver M Canby has told. Such statements are pure demonstrations of idiocy. The beliefs and the attention seeking are common amongst idiots. There is no real way that Oliver M Canby can deny he is one of us, unless he revokes the lies he has told and admits that they were lies. The biggest lie he has been telling is that Autism can be cured. Only an idiot would make such a foolish claim as it is untrue. There have never been any recorded and proven examples of a person being cured of what is a hereditary condition.

I shall list the lies in a future entry.