Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Oliver the Idiot continues to hide

We note the latest entry on his new blog by the Truthmeister. He has identified attempts at employment by Oliver and a confirmed fact via inquiries that he does not hold any of those jobs any more. A Spanish radio station, a Spanish newspaper (the Truthmeister erroneously noted them as Mexican in spit of the fact that they are aimed at Mexicans), a legal magazine and a wireless commincations provider. The education notes also confirm that we were lied to by Joeker some time ago about CalState. In fact, Oliver attended Santa Monica College, a community college. This would be consistent with a general claim that Oliver does not posess a graduation diploma from a high school, the one thing that Joeker correctly identified. The number of comments have dried up. It would seem that Oliver is hiding whatever comments had to have been made and the chasing of objectors to his lies off his blog appears to be working. I again ask Oliver to join us. He needs to admit that he is an idiot.